Cut the treat into smaller piece(s):
Do not give a whole treat to your pet. Please cut, or break up the treat into smaller pieces.
Feed smaller piece(s) to pet:
Be sure to only feed appropriately sized treats to your pet. A vet can help you determine the right size.
Separate your dog from other pets
Dogs can get really excited when it comes to treat time. Separating your dog from other pets before being given any treats is a good idea so he/she can relax while chewing. This way, your dog will be less likely to gulp large pieces whole. This may be especially important if you have a dog that is very territorial around food and/or treats.
Microwave to soften any hard treats:
Treats may harden over time. To soften, you can microwave for 5 seconds for ease of slicing or chewing.
Store in zip-lock:
For optimum freshness after opening, store in a cool, dry place. Be sure to remove air from zip-lock bag and seal bag completely after feeding.